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Sports Injury

Exercising or participating in sports is one of the most common causes of injuries. Internal injuries, most commonly occur if the person hasn’t been regularly active or warm up before exercise isn’t done properly. Sports injuries can be of different types depending on the sport they are acquired from. The most common sport injuries include-

  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Knee injuries
  • Swollen muscles
  • Fractures
  • Dislocations etc.

Causes of Sports injury

the cause of an acute sports injury is a force of impact, greater than the body part’s threshold. A chronic injury is typically due to repetition of the same motion. Injuries acquired from sports are backed up by a number of risk factors, including-

  • Incorrect exercising techniques- improper technique leads to muscle fatigue and injury. This can eventually lead to swelling.
  • Overtraining- training too often or training for too long can lead to muscle injury
  • Sudden and quick change in the intensity of physical activity
  • Running or jumping on hard surfaces
  • Wearing shoes that do not provide enough support to the feet and legs
  • Use of improper equipment
  • Previous history of injury- once the muscle or bone has been affected, its strength is affected,, which makes it more prone to injuries in the future.
  • Poor flexibility
  • Certain medications


Depending on if the sports injuries are acute or chronic, their symptoms also vary.

Acute injuries-

  • Severe and sudden pain
  • Swelling and bruising
  • Extreme weakness of an injured limb
  • Abnormal movement of a joint


Chronic injuries-

  • Pain only on playing or exercising
  • Swelling and a dull ache on resting


the treatment of sports injuries is based on the RICE principle. RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Rest is the remedy that stops bleeding and prevents new injury. Ice is able to ease the pain and reduce inflammation via constriction of the blood vessels. Elevation and compression are responsible for limiting the fluid accumulation and swelling around the injured area. Other effective treatment options include chiropractic techniques, manipulative therapy and physiotherapy. At our expert clinic, we utilise various physical exercises that do not stress the injured part but are able to facilitate its movements in such a way that the process of healing can take place. Surgical intervention and steroidal injections are measures taken in case of extreme injuries, to provide relief and regain strength.

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