The signs and symptoms of knee problems depend upon the cause of pain and the mode of onset of injury/ pathological process. Trauma and infectious diseases cause pain along with redness and swelling around the joints. The knees maybe warm to touch in infectious involvements.
Degenerative processes like osteoarthritis begin with pain around the knees and difficulty in walking, initially on climbing stairs and later on level ground. Ignored, these may progress and cause stiffness followed by deformities in the knee joints and limping while walking.
Clinical conditions affecting the knees are broadly classified into following types-
The common risk factors are-
A detailed history and mode of onset helps in clinching the diagnosis and deciding the course of treatment. Bedside clinical examination and ultrasound examination of the knee joints further aid in establishing the diagnosis. Some patients may require MRI evaluation of knees. Partial Tears in ligaments and menisci can be managed non-surgically with regenerative therapy. Additionally, Knee Arthritis in early stages and in patients with high risk, who are not candidates for surgery can be managed on Day Care Basis with Regenerative Therapy comprising of PRP Injections, GFC injections or Prolotherapy. Patients who are not candidates for any of these can get adequate and lasting pain relief with Nerve Blocks and Radiofrequency Neurolysis. Post these procedures, Physical and rehabilitative therapy goes a long way in restoring functional independence for these patients. We help our patients lead “A Pain Free Life”.
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